Saturday July 30th, 2016: THE BELLS -- A Day-long celebration of Lou Reed!Come to Lincoln Center for a 360-degree experience of Lou Reed. TaiJi and Music fill the day. Here are some special moments: 10:00A-11:00A -- Come for a free lesson from Master Ren GuangYi, teaching "21 Form", the form he specifically created for Lou Reed. 2:00P-3:00P -- TaiJi demonstrations by Master Ren GuangYi, TaiJi Push Hands Applications and Weapons Forms. There will also be some limited edition shirts available, come early before they are sold out! |
Master Ren featured in Vice.cn's Gong Fu in New York series全球青年文化之声 | www.vice.cn | 微博@VICE中国 | 任广义是陈式太极的高手,后来跟随妻子到美国生活,即使身怀绝技,在纽约也只能在唐人街送餐,后来因一场机缘,摇滚教父Lou Reed跟随他学习太极拳,从此太极成為了美国文化界的贵族运动,直到Lou Reed去世的十二年间他们到各地巡迴演出,将摇滚与太极这两个看似南辕北辙的事情结合,原来太极拳并不是一个大西瓜一刀切两半那麼简单。 「功夫」两个字,对大部份人来说只是电影的类型,或者是那些我们从来不看的武术表演跟比赛,更别说学功夫了,在中国练武是很悲微的事,送孩子去学武术成了万不得已的低端出路,功夫在现代中国社会正在迅速的消失。 可是在大洋彼岸的纽约,功夫却成為了一种时髦运动,在上流社会倍受推崇,不少功夫大师在这裡开馆授徒甚至开宗立派,门生源源不绝,武术在纽约重现出一遍繁华景像。 我们拜访了少林、太极、咏春三个门派的功夫大师,看看纽约的武林是什麼回事。隐藏Master Ren: Taijiquan Demonstration and Panel Featuring Lou Reed's DronesApr 17, 2015 at 6pm Master Ren, who Lou Reed studied Taijiquan with, will host a demonstration of this technique accompanied by Lou Reed’s DRONES. A panel discussion will follow that features Master Ren and a number of his notable students including Sarth Calhoun, Hsia-Jung Chang, Ren Guangyi, Amanda Harmon, Jonathan Miller, Bill O'Connor, Dan Richman and Tony Visconti. |
Tai Chi with Master Ren & Lou Reed at the Sydney Opera House |
FINAL WEAPON FEATURE FILMPowered by the music of Lou Reed and enthusiasts in the community, now you can help bring a feature-length version of the film to fruition. Please check out and support this film's kickstarter. |
Lou Reed TaiJi Slideshow |